A Dream Come True


The mission of the SMGC is to promote interest and knowledge in horticulture, gardening, floral and landscape design, conservation, and home and civic beautification, and to provide an accessible public space to create opportunities for community engagement through public and private events in our beautiful gardens. 


The Garden Center manages and maintains the physical facility and gardens in cooperation with the City of San Mateo so as to make it available for varied public uses focused on gardening and horticulture, local arts and crafts, and social and cultural activities such as weddings, birthdays and memorials/celebrations of life.  An all volunteer organization, we utilize the knowledge and skills of our member clubs to engage the public in gardening/horticultural and arts and crafts pursuits and activities.

A path in the Garden Center with a sign that says "Take time to smell the roses".

A Community Effort

The Garden Center was visualized, financed, and built through the combined effort of many Garden Clubs and individuals, with the cooperation of the City of San Mateo, to provide a convenient place to hold meetings and other educational events centered on gardening and the environment. The SMGC is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization.

This realization of years of planning and fund-raising was opened in 1975 consisting of a large meeting building and landscaped grounds. The original design included a main meeting room with kitchen, and small office. Garden areas were expansively planted with trees and flowers and included a patio, gazebo, and pond.

As the gardens continued to mature, a second building with a smaller meeting room and garden shop (propagation/sales area) was added several years later.

The Garden Center Today

The Garden Center continues to be managed and maintained by volunteers. A special Rose Garden has always been devoted exclusively to roses and provides a colorful display of blooms during many months of the year.

A small pagoda figurine.

Our leadership and support continue to come from local groups and individuals who appreciate the value of this lovely facility which is also made available for public and private educational and social events.

The Garden Center gardens are open at specified times for public enjoyment, contemplation and strolling. Facilities are also available for rental for private events.

This San Mateo Garden Center website design and its principal photography were both done with love by Tung X. Dao (with some images by Jeff Lewis) of Escaype in the summer of 2022. These photographs are © 2022 Tung X. Dao and Jeff Lewis.