The gardens are open for public enjoyment on specific Sunday(s) each month. These open Sundays are reflected on this Upcoming Events listing.

Hours are 11AM to 3PM, weather permitting.

Cymbidium & Orchid Show & Sale

Cymbidium & Orchid Show & Sale

Cymbidium & Orchid Show & Sale
sponsored by the
Gold Coast Cymbidium & Peninsula Orchid Societies

Saturday, April 5, 2025, 9am - 4pm

Sunday, April 6, 2025, 10am - 4pm

This Year, again, we will combine our Show Plants and Sales with not only the Peninsula Orchid Society, but also other Orchid Vendors & Member Sellers! In the past, people have driven in from all over the Bay Area, even from Southern California, to see these cymbidium and other orchids displays.
You will see incredibly beautiful Orchids Shown! International and National Show Winners, Species, Rare and Hard to Find, Splash, Feathered, Peloric, and other Orchid Species, as well, will be on Display.
Ribbon & Trophy American Orchid Society Judged show.
Donations appreciated!



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Cymbidium & Orchid Show & Sale

Cymbidium & Orchid Show & Sale

Orchid Show & Sale
sponsored by the
Gold Coast Cymbidium & Peninsula Orchid Societies

Saturday, April 5, 2025, 9am - 4pm

Sunday, April 6, 2025, 10am - 4pm

This Year, again, we will combine our Show Plants and Sales with not only the Peninsula Orchid Society, but also other Orchid Vendors & Member Sellers! In the past, people have driven in from all over the Bay Area, even from Southern California, to see these cymbidium and other orchids displays.
You will see incredibly beautiful Orchids Shown! International and National Show Winners, Species, Rare and Hard to Find, Splash, Feathered, Peloric, and other Orchid Species, as well, will be on Display.
Ribbon & Trophy American Orchid Society Judged show.
Donations appreciated!



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Open Sunday

Open Sunday

On Open Sundays, the Garden Center grounds are open to the public for walk in visits, and plants are available for purchase. Please bring the family (dogs on leash ok) to see the gardens and enjoy our quiet little oasis in San Mateo.

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Plant Sale & Craft Fair

Plant Sale & Craft Fair

Join us for this FREE community event at the San Mateo Garden Center!  Located at the corner of Alameda de las Pulgas and Parkside Way (near Beresford Park and 28th Avenue in San Mateo).

Plant Sales, Garden Clubs, Vendor Booths, Live Music

Kids activities:

Scavenger Hunt, Kids Gardening Table - take home a free small  plant*

Raffle prizes

Live Music*

Plant Sales & Shopping

San Mateo Garden Center plant shop, located in lower garden  sanmateogardencenter.org


Cacti of San Mateo

CasaPlants Bay Area instagram.com/casaplants

Cheat A Little Catering cheatalittle.com

Clayroom clayroomsanmateo.com

Creekside Crafts instagram.com/hungrykitchenhmb

D&D Flowers instagram.com/danddflowers

EeBeeByMe ceramics and plants instagram.com/EeBeeByMe

JRW Art Work

Las Selvas laselvas.com

Lather & More latherandmore.com

Paul-Lee-Nation Plant & Garden Styling paulleenation.com 

Peridot Design Studio instagram.com/jfdesigngal

Studio Mestiza studiomestiza.com

Shen Aroma Farm shenaromafarm.com

The Druid's Groove instagram.com/thedruidsgroove

Timeless Treasures

Victoria Succulents instagram.com/victoria_succulents

Wendy Wood Design wendywoodart.com

Clubs / Organizations:

City of San Mateo cityofsanmateo.org

Garden Study Club

Going to goingtoseed.org

Gold Coast Cymbidium Society goldcoastcymbidiumsociety.org

Mid-Peninsula Art Club

Peninsula Orchid Society penorchidsoc.org

Peninsula Quilt Guild peninsulaquilters.org

San Mateo Arboretum Society sanmateoarboretum.org

San Mateo Art & Recreation Department cityofsanmateo.org/Art-and-Recreation

San Mateo County Rose Society sanmateocountyrosesociety.com

Sei Boku Bonsai seibokubonsaikai.org

SF Begonia Society Sfbegonia.org

San Mateo County Bird Alliance smcbirdalliance.org

*While supplies last. Events subject to change.

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San Mateo County Rose Society Mother's Day Plant Swap

San Mateo County Rose Society Mother's Day Plant Swap

San Mateo County Rose Society Mother's Day Plant Swap

Registration is required. Sign up and details HERE


9:30 - 10:00: Arrival and check in. Please label your plants to the best of your knowledge.
Place your plants in the appropriate sections.

10:00 - 10:30: Go around the room and place your tickets in front of the plants that you want to bid on.

10:30: Raffling starts. Organizer will go around the room plant by plant to draw numbers.

Tickets can be purchased: 3 for $10.

Max. contribution: 3 of any of the same plant for tickets

This event will be held in conjunction with the San Mateo Garden Center ‘Open Sunday’ from 11am-3pm.

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Open Sunday

Open Sunday

On Open Sundays, the Garden Center grounds are open to the public for walk in visits, and plants are available for purchase. Please bring the family (dogs on leash ok) to see the gardens and enjoy our quiet little oasis in San Mateo.

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Open Sunday

Open Sunday

On Open Sundays, the Garden Center grounds are open to the public for walk in visits, and plants are available for purchase. Please bring the family (dogs on leash ok) to see the gardens and enjoy our quiet little oasis in San Mateo.

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Open Sunday

Open Sunday

On Open Sundays, the Garden Center grounds are open to the public for walk in visits, and plants are available for purchase. Please bring the family (dogs on leash ok) to see the gardens and enjoy our quiet little oasis in San Mateo.

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Open Sunday

Open Sunday

On Open Sundays, the Garden Center grounds are open to the public for walk in visits, and plants are available for purchase. Please bring the family (dogs on leash ok) to see the gardens and enjoy our quiet little oasis in San Mateo.

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Puzzle Swap

Puzzle Swap

Free, fun and informal puzzle swap.

Bring one puzzle (or 5 or 10 . . .) and swap them with other puzzle enthusiasts. Leave with as many puzzles as you bring.

You can use a table to display your puzzles and swap with other attendees, or put your puzzles on the ‘free’ table.

Puzzles must be in good shape and ideally have all the pieces. Recommended you bring a wagon or luggage with wheels to transport your puzzles.

Questions email kerrymcardle@yahoo.com

Puzzle Swap is in conjunction with the San Mateo Garden Center Open House from 11am-3pm.

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Open Sunday

Open Sunday

On Open Sundays, the Garden Center grounds are open to the public for walk in visits, and plants are available for purchase. Please bring the family (dogs on leash ok) to see the gardens and enjoy our quiet little oasis in San Mateo.

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Open Sunday

Open Sunday

On Open Sundays, the Garden Center grounds are open to the public for walk in visits, and plants are available for purchase. Please bring the family (dogs on leash ok) to see the gardens and enjoy our quiet little oasis in San Mateo.

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Bay Area Hoya Plant Swap

Bay Area Hoya Plant Swap

✨ Celebrate our 4th BAHniversary Celebration with Bay Area Hoya! ✨

Join us on June 30th from 10 AM to 3 PM at the San Mateo Garden Center for a Hoya-filled day you won't forget! Although the public can't participate in the swap, there will be a clinic, exhibit, and light sales.

🎉 The event is FREE for all. For member benefits join the group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sfbayareahoya


- 10-3 PM: 1st official Hoya Exhibit at the Rose Room 

- 10-12 PM, 1-3 PM: Demos & Workshops at Redwood Hall 

- 11-1 PM: Hoya Swap (free registration required in the group)  Not open to the public.

- 10-3 PM: Pre-sale pickups & limited on-site sales 

This event takes place in conjunction with the Garden Center’s free Open Sunday. All are welcome, 11am-3pm.

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Plant Sale & Craft Fair

Plant Sale & Craft Fair

Join us for this FREE community event at the San Mateo Garden Center!  Located at the corner of Alameda de las Pulgas and Parkside Way (near Beresford Park and 28th Avenue in San Mateo).

Plant Sales, Garden Clubs, Vendor Booths, Live Music *

Kids activities:

Scavenger Hunt, Kids Gardening Table - take home a free small  plant*

Raffle prizes

Live Music

Carlmont Jazz Ensemble carlmontmusic.com/jazz-ensemble

San Mateo HS Musicians bearcatmusic.org/band--orchestra

Knight Train smuhsd.org

Plant Sales & Shopping

San Mateo Garden Center plant shop, located in lower garden  sanmateogardencenter.org

Black Thumb Gifts, garden themed gifts

CasaPlants instagram.com/casaplants

DODO Design Studio dododesignstudio.com

Elaine’s Lane shop.elaineslane.com

Ellia May Makes, hand made bags

Hat Ranch

Joseph Red Wolf Art Works

Julie Fellers, Designer, jfdesigngal

Kepuzzle keepuzzle.com

Las Selvas laselvas.com

Lather & More! latherandmore.com

Little Green A Plant Bar littlegreenaplantbar.com

Lunamare Ceramics   instagram.com/lunamare_joss

Paul-Lee-Nation Plant & Garden Styling paulleenation.com

Pear Life  apearlife.com

Rosemary Durso, Shadowbox art

Understory Labryinth understorylabyrinth.com

Victoria Kleshik  Instagram: victoria_succulents

Wendy Wood Design wendywoodart.com

Clubs / Organizations:*

Foster City Art Club

Garden Study Club

Gold Coast Cymbidium Society goldcoastcymbidiumsociety.org

Peninsula Orchid Society penorchidsoc.org

Peninsula Quilt Guild peninsulaquilters.org

San Mateo Arboretum Society sanmateoarboretum.org

San Mateo Art & Recreation Department cityofsanmateo.org/Art-and-Recreation

San Mateo County Rose Society sanmateocountyrosesociety.com

SF Begonia Society Sfbegonia.org

Sei Boku Bonsai seibokubonsaikai.org/

Sequoia Audubon Society sequoia-audubon.org

*While supplies last, events subject to change

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In addition to providing a space for club and private rentals, the Garden Center provides its own public events.

These include the annual meeting, open house(s), and open garden times. 

We would like to have the Garden Center provide more availability for public enjoyment and education. If this aligns with your thoughts, please consider volunteering to support this effort.